Ya’ll remember that episode of friends where Chandler tries to quit his gym?

Season 4. Episode 4.

Ya know, in case you feel like giving it a watch.


Now, given that one of my goals for this year is to work on my weight loss and physique, it wouldn’t make sense to quit the gym and I actually haven’t done that. Nope, Planet Fitness is still collecting my $10 a month for the foreseeable future. Frankly I like to use their treadmills when it’s too hot outside.

However, in an effort to work on one of my other goals of becoming more financially savvy/stable I had to say goodbye to a few things. The big one being my month delivery of Shakeology from Beachbody.


I’ve been a Beachbody member for almost three years and drinking Shakeology regularly for that time. I eventually became a Beachbody Coach but I was very casual about it. I didn’t have it in me to be pimping the products at every opportunity. I did talk about the programs with friends and a few tried it here and there but not enough for me to be making any money on it.

I kept my coach status for the Shake discount but, in the end, that wasn’t worth it.



The reason I bring up the whole FRIENDS episode is because of the struggle Chandler went through to quit the gym. If you remember, he brings Ross along as moral support but they get separated and next thing you know, they both have a membership! The decided that they would close their bank accounts and this would end it all since the gym couldn’t take the monthly dues. They fail at this as well and end up with a joint account.

Oh late-nineties humor.

I was dreading having to call Beachbody to cancel. Not only was I canceling my monthly shake delivery ($99.00/Month) I was cancelling my coach account ($15/Month) and my Beachbody on Demand ($140/year).

I actually had planned to do it a while ago but I just kept forgetting and next thing I knew- monthly charge!


Thankfully I was pretty much set on my intentions and prepared for whatever guilt-trip was about to be laid upon me which was actually minimal. I explained that it wasn’t financially feasible for me to continue on with the subscription services at this time.

It was a bit of a process so that’s something to keep in mind should you every want to quit the Beachbody world.

I was able to leave Beachbody on Demand by simply going to the web site and cancelling. I did ask the lady on the phone to confirm that this was done and she did.

I had to call to cancel the Shakeology which is part of why it took so long for me to get to it. I’m an awkward human being and I hate making phone calls.

Quitting as a Beachbody Coach actually happened online. I had to log in to my coach services and search around for a form to quit. They get very scary and very much let you know that you will be losing your discount should you continue any subscriptions or buy anything. You are also not allowed to become a coach again for six months after quitting.


I felt like I was going to be okay. I will honesly miss the Shakeology when I finally run out but for now I’ll live.

I do want to make it very clear that I’m leaving because of financial reasons. I’ve actually really enjoyed the shakes and love the programs. I’m still using my programs. I have 21 Day Fix, 21 Day Fix Extreme and Country Heat on DVD and there’s no reason not to use them anymore.

I just need to find a more cost-effective way to fuel my body after workouts.

I feel like the almost $1400 dollars I’ll be saving over the next year will make me feel okay about this decision.


So that was my big step for the week. It may seem small but considering how crappy I have felt about life lately, it was a pretty big step.

On that same vein, I’m happy to report I’ve been managing to push myself towards working out. I’m taking it in baby steps but I really want to be able to do well for the The Dark Side Half Marathon next month and I need to get myself back into fighting shape as it were.

Also, since I’m very much considering signing up for Dopey again, I want to start working now towards getting stronger for that. Sure it’s 9 months away but SO MUCH could be accomplished in that time!

Also abs.

I want abs.

Or less muffin top.


6 comments on “I WANNA QUIT THE GYM!”

  1. I want abs too. One of my former coworkers was a beachbody coach, and there came a time where I wanted to put extra sugar and fat, in his shakes, because he was so annoying about it.

    A few years back, I tried to quit a gym and it was a nightmare; it really was like the Friends episode. Long story short, I had to file a fraudulent claim to my credit card company. It’s funny how the gym kept “losing” my resignation letter.


    1. That’s what I hated about how they wanted us to sell. I didn’t want to be that annoying friend. Funny enough I still had plenty of people asking about it when I was posting casual tidbits over daily annoying things.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I know exactly how you feel….but…once you do it a couple times, it’s quite empowering!! I’ve shopped online late at night and bought crap only to find it’s a subscription and the product comes in automatic renewal! I just called up and said “I didn’t realize this was an automatic renewal thing and i do not wish to commit to a product I haven’t even tried yet. Had to get the “try it and THEN cancel” and this is where I say “I haven’t been able to commit to marriage, TWICE, I can’t commit to your face cream..so how does it work? What letter do you need, who do I need to talk to because you can’t force me to keep buying it”


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